
quOte of the Week

Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.

All of us have dreams and aspirations that we've attempted to achieve but haven't been able to quite reach. Many of us find that the continuous failure of trial and error can be very discouraging and thus we let go of our seemingly unattainable dream. Little do we know that those failures are meerly tests that God puts us through to prepare us for that ultimate purpose He has for us. We have to be steadfast in our faith and trust in God's plan. We often want things to happen in our own time... but we aren't always ready. That's why God allows us to fail. It's preparation for the success. Failure humbles us so that once we've reached our goal, success will taste so much sweeter.

So whenever you're thinkin about quitting...look at your situation and learn from it, pick yourself up, pray about it, and KEEP TRYING. God will not forsake you as long as you continue to trust in His purpose for you.

That's my sermon for the Day. LOL.

Over n Out.

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